Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Star Wars Meets Mickey Mouse

Today, as the internet imploded with the news that Lucasfilm was bought by Disney, speculation went wild as what could come next. I see this as Disney trying to capitalize on their recent successes with Marvel and attracting the young male demographic that had been slipping Disney's pockets for some years. However, seeing how Disney has let creators have free reign over such Marvel properties as Captain America, Thor, and the Avengers, I have high hopes that this could be a great move for the Star Wars Universe. As the prequels alienated fans worse than the ebola virus (See Redletter Media's Plinkett reviews of the prequels), this may be what Star Wars needed most, a third party coming in and rejuvenating the franchise with a fresh new take. Here is a short list of creators I would love to see helm the upcoming 2015 film. And oh yea, Leia is now an official Disney Princess, minds are officially blown!

Star Wars Episode VII Creator Short List:

Brad Bird (Iron Giant, Incredibles, Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol)

His work at Pixar is reason enough to be on Disney's short list, but his transition to celluliod was a smouth one with his work on the Tom Cruise action thriller, MI: Ghost Protocol.

J.J. Abrams (Star Trek, Cloverfield, Super 8)

J.J. Abrams raised the bar with his work on the T.V. series Lost, and has never looked back with his work on such motion pictures as Cloverfield and Lost. He is an obvious sci fan and has already rejuvenated the Star Trek brand, why not give him a shot at the galaxy far far away?

Joss Whedon (Serenity, Avengers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Notorious for killing off key characters and having strong female leads, is there a better director to give Star Wars' artistic control too? I thought not, just ask how the Avengers turned out.

Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Prometheus, Alien)

This sci fi legend could bring a more adult take to the Star Wars universe that was solely lacking from the prequels and Clone Wars animated series. His filmography is too long to list, but this director of Blade Runner and Alien could bring a more grounded take on the Star Wars universe that would be a much appreciated breathe of fresh air in the fantastical world from a long time ago.

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