Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Top 10 Action Figures of All Time (1980-1990)

Here is a quick top ten list of the best toys from the 80s, better known as the golden age of action figures! This was a hard list to create as there were so many iconic toys that just made the list. He-Man and M.A.S.K. are just a few of the classic lines that just made the cut. If you have any suggestions, criticisms, or encouragements please let us know! We hope to here any feedback!

10. Megatron: Transformers 1984 Hasbro 
This classic Decepticon transformed in a true sized handgun, in today's PC area, a figure of this nature would never get made, that alone gives it a spot on this list.

9. Batmobile: Super Powers 1985 Kenner 
This vehicle accessory was the highlight of the very popular Super Poewrs line. This vehicle had battering ram action much like the very early Batmobile from the comics and comfortably fit 2 figures inside, making this a must have for any superhero fan of the 1980s!

8.  Boba Fett: Empire Strikes Back 1980 Kenner 
One of the most popular of figures in a large catalog of villains, this figure was released before Empire Strikes Back came out and gave hope to fans as what was to come next. In addition to this, it teased fans that it could have rocket firing action. However, before the was finally produced idea was scratched due to safety concerns. However, there are 6 prototype rocket firing Boba Fett's in existence andthey are the most rare and sought after action figures of all time. They sell easily in the 10s of thousands of dollars and are a must have to complete any true vintage Star Wars Collection.  

7. Spider-Man (Black): Secret Wars Mattel 1984 
This black version of Spider-Man is not only the best looking of the Secret Wars line, but also rates high on this list because of its importance to the tie-in collaboration between the comic and toy industries. Wanting to cash in on the Star Wars toy franchise of the early 1980s, Marvel created the Secret Wars comics series to coincide with Mattel's figure line of the same name (*with even a similar name, Star War-Secret Wars!). To build publicity for this line Marvel introduced a new costume for Spider-Man in Secret Wars 8. This comic and toy has a special place in comics history since the black costume turned out to be an alien symbiote that would become one of Spider-Man's most iconic villains, Venom!

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6.(tie) Leonardo/Michelangelo/ Donatello/Raphael v1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1988 Playmates 
Even tho these characters were originally made famous as a hit indie comic series which was written as a brilliant homage to Frank Miller and samurai films. A first print is extremely rare and can run you a cool ten grand. You can double that price if you come across their true first appearance on the back of Gobblydgook 1 in which their preview can be seen on the back cover.  However, these famous turtles didn't hit main stream until this toy line became a run away hit. The popularity of this line led to a long running cartoon series and trio of good, bad, and terrible movies.  These figures were so popular because they came with an incredible amount of ninja accessories and colorful decor making them well liked by all collectors. 

TMNT figureItem imageGobbledygook 1 Mirage Studios

5. Luke Skywalker: 1984 Power of the Force Stormtrooper Disguise
 The Power of the Force Star Wars line came out late in the Star Wars era of toys. However, this line came out with some of the best vintage Star Wars toys as the detail and accesories had been steadily improving over the years. By the time the Power of the Force line hit the shelves Kenner Toys was finally getting it right, and this Luke is by far the highlight of the series. Not only did this figure recreate one of the most iconic scenes of the original movie it came with a removable stormtrooper helmet and collector's coin. In retrospect collectors have gone crazy for this figure. To this day, it is still one of the rarest and most sought after POTF figures!

4. U.S.S. Flagg G.I. Joe Aircraft Carrier 1985 
This Monstrosity was  32.5" height from floor to top mast. it's 36" wide from deck to back of rescue craft. Total length deck to deck at their longest points are 91" with enough room to fit anyones complete Joe collection! Any kid's playroom from the 1980s wouldn't be complete without this gigantic G.I. Joe vehicle. Today, Hasbro would never be able to release a toy of this size due to the sheer costs this monstrosity would demand. That alone makes this easily a top-five toy of the 1980s. This item stands as one of the most expensive vintage G.I. Joe items a collector can have.


3. Storm Shadow v1: G.I. Joe 1984 Hasbro 
This Cobra Ninja drove G.I. Joe fans wild back in the 1980s, with rumors of rarity and shortpacks, this figure was gobbled up where ever he was found. Another reason this figure grew in popularity is due to his brilliant handling in the Marvel G.I Joe comic's series. Larry Hama's introduced this character in issue 21 entitled the Silent Interlude in which no words are spoken throughout. It also features an iconic character reveal in which Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow reveal they have the same Arashikage clan tattoo on their arms as they have an epic showdown over a kidnapped Scarlett! To this day, it is one of the most iconic comics ever written. This all white ninja represent the color of death in eastern tradition, making this white decor and easy call for Cobra's most deadly of assassins.
Item image Item image G.I. Joe 21 The Silent Issue

2. Snake Eyes v2: G.I. Joe 1985 Hasbro 
Complete with Timber this was the greatest and most popular G.I. Joe ever produced! A little known fact is that Snake Eyes' visor version is based on French infantrymen of the First World War. The color scheme of his all-black costume was enhanced as this version of the silent commando now had well defined accessories and grey highlights to accentuate his costume.  Snake Eyes' black aesthetic contrasted to Storm Shadow's white color scheme made childhood Joe battles a true life symbol of yin and yang.


1. Optimus Prime g1: Transformers 1984 Hasbro 
This toy is the most iconic toy of the past 3 decades combined.Optimus Prime was a must have for any toy fan of the 1980s. With an epic cartoon series to coincide with the toys, children could not get enough of this Autobot leader. Great look and functionality make this the greatest figure of the 1980s!

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