Monday, March 26, 2012

X-Men Movie Casting Call: the 1980s Edition

To this day, rumors of an X-Men movie coming out in the 1980s brings joy to my heart. I remember reading the rumors in comics and magazines that predicted the makings of an X-Men masterpiece years in the making. Multiple big name directors were attached to the project but never came to fruition.  Well, that is what I am going to do now, cast the movie of my childhood dreams, and imagine the masterpiece that never was. So here it goes, my casting call for X-Men the Movie, 1980s edition!

Director: James Cameron (Titanic, Terminator, Avatar)
It was rumored back in the day that he was attached to direct this film as well as a Spider-Man film, one can only dream what this master of science fiction could have came up with...

Professor X: Nicol Williamson (Excalibur)
He has the perfect calming voice of a compassionate leader, and the wisdom of Merlin, who just happened to play the magical wizard, in John Boorman's epic, Excalibur in the early 80s. Patrick Stewart did a great job later on, but for my pick, I'm going with another hair depraved man from the UK, Nicol Williamson.
Magneto: Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner)
This toe-head had the domineering screen presence and square jaw to perfectly epitomize the ultimate master of magnetism.
Cyclops: Michael Biehn (Aliens, The Terminator)
In the 1980s Michael Biehn got all the greatest roles that any sci-fi junky would have killed to play. From post apaclyptic resistance fighter, to space marine, this actor had just the right amount of charisma and good looks to pull off the one-eyed leader of the X-Men.
Storm: Angela Bassett (What's Love Got to Do With It?)
Only this actresses powerful screen presence could do the Egyptian weather goddess justice!
Psylocke: Maggie Cheung (Herioc Trio)
This beautiful multilingual actress from Hong Kong is also a master of many forms of martial arts, making her the perfect fit as Psylocke as she also studied and lived in the UK for many years.
Wolverine: Mel Gibson (Lethal Weapon, Mad Max)
Mad Mel would go from lethal weapon to Weapon X! 80s Mel would have been a perfect fit as the wild yet honorable warrior with the mysterious!
Shadowcat: Jennifer Connelly (Labyrinth)
A young Jennifer Connelly possessed the right balance of innocence and strength to pull of Kitty Pryde's character of the 1980s!
Pyro: River Phoenix (Stand By Me, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
This talented actor had the charisma and edge to deliver this villainous persona needed to pull off the hotheaded Pyro!
Iceman: C. Thomas Howell (Red Dawn,The Outsiders, E.T.)
Howell possessed just the right balance of innocence and bravery needed to pull off a young and carefree Bobby Drake.
Colossus: Brad Davis (Midnight Express)
Too bad this up and coming actor passed much to early robbing him of a  promising acting career.
The Reevers: Keifer Sutherland:Skullbuster (The Lost Boys, Stand by Me) Jason Patrick:Prettyboy (The Lost Boys) and Guy Norris:Bonebreaker (Mad Max 2)
These on edge actors of the 80s had the right amount of crazy to pull of the vengeful cyborgs out for X-Men blood!

Dazzler: Bridgett Fonda (Single White Female, Jackie Brown)
Bridgett Fonda has that 80s California look that would play perfectly for the mutant pop-star Dazzler!

Apocalypse: Clancy Brown (The Highlander)
Only the Kurgan from the Highlander command the power of Apocalypse, making Clancy Brown an easy choice to play the part.



    Check this out! This movie almost happened!

  2. Can't believe I found your page since it has only one comment. You got short-changed. I LOVE your cast. Some characters I wouldn't have thought of. Cyclops and Apocalypse are perfect. I would probably swap Sly Stallone for Wolverine (although Mel is the better actor) and Dolph Lundgren would have to be Colossus

  3. Can't believe I found your page since it has only one comment. You got short-changed. I LOVE your cast. Some characters I wouldn't have thought of. Cyclops and Apocalypse are perfect. I would probably swap Sly Stallone for Wolverine (although Mel is the better actor) and Dolph Lundgren would have to be Colossus
